This original article was first published here: 4 Tips On Choosing The Right InDesign Training Program
If you are working in the world of graphic design, photo-editing or any similar worlds, then you must have heard of InDesign already. This is a designing software published by Adobe and, as you can see on this page, it is used for the creation of magazines, booklets, books, ebooks, newspapers and many more amazing things. Given that you are here, though, I am going to take a wild guess and say that you already know precisely what this software piece can be used for.
In fact, you probably also know what it is that you want to use it for since you are obviously planning on incorporating the tool into your specific line of work. I won’t dwell on trying to figure out what your job is, though, since people with different professions use this tool and, thus, people with different professions visit this particular page. And, on top of it all, my job is not to keep on taking wild guesses about you.
My job is, instead, to help you learn InDesign. If you are now expecting one of those quick and short tutorials that basically tell you some logical things and things that you already know while claiming to be able to teach you this program in detail, then you certainly have wrong expectations. I have no tutorials prepared for you, as I know that you can already find, watch and read countless tutorials if you decide to do that. Something tells me, though, that you are looking for something a bit more useful.
To be more precise, you are probably looking for an actual training program that will be able to teach you the ins and outs of InDesign instead of giving you bits and pieces, such as those free tutorials that you can find. Don’t get me wrong here, though. I have absolutely nothing against those free tutorials and I do believe that they can be quite useful, especially when you get stuck at a certain problem and you cannot find a way to solve it.
Yet, if you are after something a bit more serious and if you are committed to mastering InDesign, then you will undeniably need to look for a high-quality training program that you can take. If you don’t really know what these programs can teach you, there is an easy way to find out. You should just go to https://www.trainingconnection.com/indesign-training.php and check out exactly what it is that these courses usually have to offer. In short, you’ll be able to master InDesign with their help.
Now, while you are probably already perfectly aware of the fact that some of these training programs can be amazing at teaching you what you want to know, you are most likely worried about one specific thing. In short, it is the word “some” in the above sentence that is bothering you. Since some trainings are amazing and some aren’t, you might find it difficult to differentiate among those and to categorize the ones you come across accordingly. This is a process that most people go through and they have all been confused at some point.
I have some good news, though. You can easily stop being confused about this if you just take some time to get a few useful tips on how you should search for and how you should choose one of these training programs for you. The best part is, I’ve decided to share some of those tips below, meaning that you can get a better idea on how to make this choice if you simply keep on reading this article.
Talk To Other People In The Industry
You have colleagues, don’t you? Okay, sure, you might be working as a Freelancer instead of in a company, but that does not mean that you don’t know anyone who works in the same, or in a similar, field as yours. So, this is what you should do. Have a long and open conversation with those people and tell them that you are planning on learning InDesign. They might be able to give you some recommendations on some amazing training courses that you could take or that they have, perhaps, previously taken.
Search The Internet
Since you are most likely interested in online courses, you should search for them, well, on the Internet. This is probably already perfectly logical to you, but I had to mention it so as to make it clear that you shouldn’t rely solely on those recommendations that you might get during the step explained above. Instead, you should search for some InDesign guides and online training programs with the help of your browser. There is no doubt in my mind that you will manage to find some amazing courses this way, so make sure to write the necessary information down, because you’ll have to choose one of those.
Research The Training Providers
Before you make this important choice, you should actually do your research on the training providers. This is because you want your InDesign course to be run by experts in the field. Most importantly, you should check how experienced and how reputable those providers really are, since you don’t want to end up trying to learn from people who don’t really know much about InDesign themselves. You will be able to find the info you need regarding reputation and experience with the help of the Internet, and most likely with the help of a few objective and factual reviews that you’ll find online.
Compare The Prices & The Features Of The Training
After you go through the steps mentioned above, you will only have to do one more thing before making this specific choice and choosing the perfect InDesign training course for you. Basically, you should compare the features of all the programs that you are considering, as well as their prices. This will help you understand what you can get from all of the programs and at what cost, which will lead to you getting the best value for the money that you’ll be paying.
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