Hello. Bonjour. Hola. So this is a little strange. I haven’t written a blog post in years – to take a guess, I am going to say around 7.
Modern Bouquet 2021: floral trends and styles When someone says “luxury bouquet” what do you imagine: a whole armful of red roses or glittering sequins
In early 2000 with Drew Barrymore and Britney spears, flashy clothes ripped jeans, crop tops and lip liners made their debut. Though liners were used before that as well. But the trend for light lipstick inwards and dark lip liner outwards started then. It looked chic as well as a defined lip. That’s what lip […]
Hand creams are essential for your smooth and soft hands. Luxury hand creams uses shea butter and special chemicals to make your hand beautiful. Here’re the 25 best luxury hand creams review for your soft hand.