Posted on: December 5, 2023 Posted by: Comments: 0

If you’re finding yourself mid Christmas shopping and stumped for what to get that special someone, surely the right answer is always jewellery? Whether it’s your bestie, your partner or a family member, I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t love to find a surprising little box under the tree. Just think of Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson’s storyline in Love Actually (or don’t if you’d rather not start welling up). Whatever your recipient’s taste and style, and whatever your budget may be, there’s a jewellery piece out there that will impress, surprise and delight—trust me. 

The world of jewellery can be completely overwhelming, though, and I appreciate it can be really hard to find the perfect piece with so many brands and designs to choose from. But that’s where I come in. It’s my job as an editor to know how and where to find the best jewellery gifts, from the affordable brands we editors ourselves always wear, to the luxury investment pieces that will stand the test of time. And lucky for you, I’m sharing my secrets below. 

Keep scrolling and you’ll find ideas for the best jewellery gifts, whether you’re looking for something unique and personalised (you can’t go wrong here, really), something under the £100 mark (yes, you can still find incredibly special pieces on a budget that won’t turn their wrists green), or options if you’re happy to spend a bit more. I’ve even included the best jewellery gifts for men, because they deserve to be spoilt too. Now, go forth and conquer those gift lists in style. 

Up Next: The WWW Gift Guide: 58 Chic Buys We’d Love to Open Ourselves

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