Posted on: August 15, 2024 Posted by: Comments: 0

While staying in the sunlight has numerous benefits, there are times when the situation demands from you to stay indoors for a long period of time. Vitamin D helps strengthen muscles, bones, immune system, nervous system, and circulatory system. The Fashiongton Post prepared for you some of the easy tips how to increase the Vitamin D intake without getting outside.

Eat Fish

Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel are rich sources of Vitamin D. Aim for wild-caught varieties, as they tend to have higher Vitamin D content compared to farmed fish. Including these fish in your meals just once a week can significantly improve your Vitamin D levels.

Eat Mushrooms

Mushrooms are another excellent source of Vitamin D, as they synthesize it when exposed to sunlight. Add mushrooms to salads, side dishes, or main courses for a flavorful and nutritious boost. Opt for wild-grown mushrooms to maximize your Vitamin D intake.

Fortified Foods

Many foods are fortified with Vitamin D to enhance their nutritional value. Look for fortified cow’s milk, orange juice, and cereals during your grocery shopping. These fortified options can contribute to your daily Vitamin D requirements without relying on sunlight.

Use UV Lamps

If you prefer to limit artificial lighting in your home, consider using a UV lamp for short periods. Just 15 minutes under a UV lamp can stimulate your body’s production of Vitamin D, mimicking the effects of sunlight exposure. Incorporating this into your daily routine can help maintain optimal Vitamin D levels.

Additional Supplements

Supplements are convenient and efficient options for increasing Vitamin D levels, especially when sunlight exposure is limited. Fish oils and liver oils are common sources of Vitamin D supplements available in the market. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for your needs.

By incorporating these simple strategies into your indoor routine, you can ensure adequate Vitamin D intake without having to go outside.

The post How to Get Vitamin D if You Can’t Go Outside appeared first on The Fashiongton Post.

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