Posted on: December 26, 2023 Posted by: Comments: 0

A very Merry Christmas: it was here in a flash and over just as fast! Some favorites among the kids’ gifts: Kellan is obsessed with his basketball hoop (the kid will play with any kind of ball all day long!) and Lucia loves her new bag!

Everything I’m wearing is on sale – perfect neutrals with texture and details to keep it interesting.

PS: Eyeing this gorgeous silver skirt and matching metallic top on super sale: a New Year’s look, perhaps? And although this skirt isn’t on sale, it would be my dream NYE outfit with a black tank top or silk blouse! Love how sleek it looks!


Tweed blazer (on sale here)
Blouse (on sale here)
Jeans (here)
Heels (love these! here)


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